The coast of Chiapas has a coastline of approximately 270 kilometers along the Pacific Ocean. It has a wide diversity of natural and cultural resources, excellent for tourism in Chiapas.
For all those who seek to encounter nature and other faces of Chiapas, nothing better than to travel the roads of the coastal regions and the Soconusco, the land of cocoa, coveted by Miguel de Cervantes, who requested his governorship before the emperor of Spain.
Possessing a great diversity of tourist attractions and fascinating routes, the coast and Soconusco extend along the Pacific Ocean with surprising and incomparable natural beauties, ranging from beautiful beaches that offer a rustic atmosphere, privacy and tranquility, to the tropical plantations and mountains of the Sierra Madre; You can find from enigmatic archaeological sites such as Izapa, famous for its sculptures, to the possibilities of alternative tourism in the coffee farms, which in addition to its heritage value, allow us to approach the whole process.
Tapachula, the largest city on the Mexican border with Central America, very close to Suchiate, offers the services the traveler needs. Its historic architecture with Art Deco influence is a faithful reflection of the prosperity that coffee generated in the area during the first half of the last century.
Here the landscapes and people are characterized by diversity, the coast of Chiapas a land full of contrasts, a concert of towns and landscapes united. This area of Chiapas occupies a prominent place, not only because of the affinities with Central America, but also because of the multiple ties that the people have traced throughout history, sharing ties of brotherhood and customs with the neighboring state of Oaxaca, as well as similarities rooted in the past with the sister Republic of Guatemala; However, over time many peoples of this part of Mexico, especially those of Soconusco, have received migrations of various kinds, giving way to the construction of a cultural tapestry that is woven with Asia, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
January 7 to 15
Feast of the Lord of Esquipulas
Place: Tuzantán, Chiapas
January 23 to February 2
Feast of Santa María Candelaria
Place: Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas
February 28 to March 6
Expo Feria Tapachula (EFT)
Place: Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez, Chiapas
April 22 to 25
Feast of San Marcos
Place: Acacoyagua, Chiapas
April 22 to 29
Feast of San Pedro Mártir
Place: Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas
May 17 to 22
Feast of Santa Rita
Place: Pijijiapan, Chiapas
June 28 to 29
Feast of Saint Peter
Place: Mapastepec, Chiapas
July 16 to 26
Feast of Saint James the Apostle
Place: Cacahoatán, Chiapas
August 4
Patronal Festival of Santo Domingo
Place: Escuintla, Chiapas
August 20 to 30
Patronal Feast of San Agustín
Place: Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez, Chiapas
August 24
Feast of San Bartolomé
Place: Villa Comaltitlán, Chiapas
September 12 to 18
September 16th Fair
Place: Arriaga, Chiapas
September 20 to 29
Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel
Place: Tuzantán, Chiapas
September 24 to October 8
San Francisco Fair
Place: Tonalá, Chiapas
November 30 to December 8
Feast of the Virgin of the Conception
Place: Mazatán, Chiapas
December 12
Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Place: Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez, Chiapas
December 13
Feast of Saint Lucia
Place: Villa Comaltitlán, Chiapas
December 15 to 24
Feast of the Virgin of the Conception
Place: Unión Juárez, Chiapas
Chiapas surprises for its biodiversity, but also for its natural resources, as well as for the tourist possibilities found in its great rivers, lakes, majestic mountains, multitude of canals and estuaries on the coast, with their own characteristics that form an intricate network of possibilities where plant and animal life has found the ideal environments for each form of life represented in Chiapas.
This Soconusco Region is one of the areas with the greatest biodiversity, distributed in the three large natural reserves, habitat of unique and very important bird species, such as the peacock, or the sacred quetzal; mammal species such as the tapir, the puma or the jaguar. Hence the importance of being able to continue conserving and preserving these ecosystems for future generations of our wonderful Chiapas.
No traveler is known who has not returned from Chiapas enchanted by the incredible beauty of its landscapes, its superb colonial cities and its majestic archaeological sites.
To visit Chiapas is to decipher the mysteries of ancient civilizations; it is an encounter with impressive testimonies of the past.
As in all the regions of Chiapas, in the Soconusco different manifestations of popular art have flourished, which allow the traveler to admire a little of the enormous cultural sensitivity of the people that inhabit the state, such as the saddlery products of Arriaga and Tapachula (saddles, bags, wallets, among other articles), the popular toys made in the House of Culture of Escuintla, the pottery of San Felipe Tizapa and the articles made with fern trunks of Unión Juárez, as well as the pottery of Tonalá, pots, ashtrays, cups, glasses and other decorated and varnished objects. The promoter of the artisan workshop of Tonalá, Rodolfo Disner, is one of the main representatives of the contemporary plastic arts movement in Chiapas. His ceramic works are in museums and private collections of great value.
An important part of the popular culture of the coast is the world of fishermen. The cayucos, fishing gear are part of the Chiapas heritage and an ancient wisdom of coexistence with the sea. Approaching this world is one more alternative for a trip of emotions sprinkled by the sea breeze. Fishing is not only the repository of a deeply rooted popular culture, but also the provider of unforgettable delicacies.
The history of the Soconusco region is marked by different stages of plantations: cocoa, coffee and banana. Soconusco is an opportunity to taste some of the best secrets of Chiapas, whether its tropical fruits, dishes that delve into its ancient roots or a unique sunset by the sea. The regional gastronomy shows its proximity to the ocean in dishes such as dogfish empanadas, turula salad or fish in chumul; or its native roots in others such as the various tamales.
The richness of the cuisine is nourished by the production of cheeses, the Ataúlfo mangoes with denomination of origin and, of course, the aromatic cups of coffee, chocolate and rum from the sugar cane plantations. All this without forgetting the contributions of the Isthmian food migration, an influence that came from the distant Canton.
There are many treasures of sand, sun and sea along the coast of Chiapas: enjoy the Pacific breeze and the high waves in Puerto Arista; practice adventure tourism and discover a fantastic world in its mangrove areas that extend along the coast, where you can find the tallest trees in Mesoamerica. You can also be part of the conservation and protection of marine life in Madresal or Boca del Cielo, a resting place with a traditional atmosphere with the blue sea and beautiful sunsets as scenery. Many experiences fit in this wonderful area of Chiapas. You just have to discover it and feel like in paradise.
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