Chiapas State Tourism Secretary.
Toll Free: 01 800 28035 00
Attention from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 hrs.
Address: Libramiento norte in front of the Fracc. Santa Clara, Tuxtla Gutierrez
Telephone 61 2 5511 ext. 3031, 3035, 3037 emergencies ext. 3040.
Hours: 8am - 4pm. (Administrative)
Manager: Mtra. Elizabeth Hernández
Facebook: Civil Protection Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Twitter: @proteccionciviltuxtla
Address: Carretera Emiliano Zapata Km. 1.9, 29000, Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
Telephone 961 6155178
Facebook: pcivilchiapas
Twitter: @pcivilchiapas
Address: Libramiento norte in front of the fracc. Santa Clara
Emergency telephone number 61 2 55 11 ext. 3040
Hours: 24 hrs.
Manager: Lic. Eder Fabián Mancilla Velázquez (Operative)
Telephone 2461310518
Head of corporate: Rubén Aguilar Flores
Dialing for roadside assistance: 078
Address: 5a. norte poniente No. 1410, El Magueyito, 29030, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
Cell (961) 6135025 emergency
Dialing: 911
Attention: 24 hrs.
Manager: Rodulfo Gálvez Gómez
Facebook: bomberos.tuxtlagutierrez
Address: 5a. norte poniente No. 1480 (1,66 km), 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrrez
Telephone 961 612 4653
Dialing: 911
Facebook: CruzRojaTuxtla
Dialing: 911
24hrs 365 days a year.
Manager of the 911 call center: Dr. Robinzon González Silba
089 24 hrs
Local (free) booth
Cellular (cost)
Address: Boulevard Ándres Serra Rojas No. 1090, Annex Building of the Tower Chiapas, Section “A”, Level 1. Col. Paso Limón
Phone : 6025943
Southwest level manager: Lic. Francisco Vladimir Estrada Ramírez
Person in charge in Chiapas: Lic. Adrián Ulloa Pérez
9 am-3 pm
For the contingency, attention via email:,
Facebook: ProfecoOficial (nationwide)
Source: Fiscalía General
Viva Aerobus
Food and Beverages
Travel Agencies
Leasing companies