Travel information

Local time in Chiapas:

Tourist Information


Chiapas State Tourism Secretary.

Toll Free: 01 800 28035 00

Attention from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 hrs.



Municipal Civil Protection

Tuxtla Gutiérrez

Address: Libramiento norte in front of the Fracc. Santa Clara, Tuxtla Gutierrez

Telephone 61 2 5511 ext. 3031, 3035, 3037 emergencies ext. 3040.

Hours: 8am - 4pm. (Administrative)

Manager: Mtra. Elizabeth Hernández

Facebook: Civil Protection Tuxtla Gutiérrez

Twitter: @proteccionciviltuxtla

Civil protection

of the State of Chiapas

Address: Carretera Emiliano Zapata Km. 1.9, 29000, Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

Telephone 961 6155178

Facebook: pcivilchiapas

Twitter: @pcivilchiapas


Citizen service module

Address: Libramiento norte in front of the fracc. Santa Clara

Emergency telephone number 61 2 55 11 ext. 3040

Hours: 24 hrs.

Manager: Lic. Eder Fabián Mancilla Velázquez (Operative)

Angeles Verdes Chiapas Corporate

Telephone 2461310518

Head of corporate: Rubén Aguilar Flores


Dialing for roadside assistance: 078

Tuxtla firefighters

Address: 5a. norte poniente No. 1410, El Magueyito, 29030, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

Cell (961) 6135025 emergency

Dialing: 911

Attention: 24 hrs.

Manager: Rodulfo Gálvez Gómez

Facebook: bomberos.tuxtlagutierrez

Red Cross

Address: 5a. norte poniente No. 1480 (1,66 km), 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrrez

Telephone 961 612 4653

Dialing: 911

Facebook: CruzRojaTuxtla

Citizen complaint

Dialing: 911

24hrs 365 days a year.

Manager of the 911 call center: Dr. Robinzon González Silba


089 24 hrs

Local (free) booth

Cellular (cost)

Federal Consumer Prosecutor's Office

Address: Boulevard Ándres Serra Rojas No. 1090, Annex Building of the Tower Chiapas, Section “A”, Level 1. Col. Paso Limón

Phone : 6025943

Southwest level manager: Lic. Francisco Vladimir Estrada Ramírez

Person in charge in Chiapas: Lic. Adrián Ulloa Pérez

9 am-3 pm

For the contingency, attention via email:,

Facebook: ProfecoOficial (nationwide)

Source: Fiscalía General




Tips for Traveling to Chiapas


Language and languages spoken in Chiapas

Spanish and twelve native languages are spoken in Chiapas (Tsental, Tsotsil, Chol, Tojolabal, Mam, Chuj, Jacalteco, Teco, Kanjobal, Lacandón, Mocho or Motozintleco and Zoque).

Travel information


Travel to Chiapas


If you are a foreigner and want to visit Chiapas
these are the 4 steps to process your passport


Service providers



Food and Beverages


Travel Agencies

Leasing companies

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