The Lacandon Jungle is one of the most representative places of Mexico's biological richness. In this magical and exclusive place is located the Lacanja River Camp, a natural site inhabited and cared for by the descendants of the Mayas, who still preserve their cultural traditions, faithful guardians of the vestiges of the Mayan Culture.
The Lacanjá River Camp offers lodging services with cabins on the banks of the river, meals in its restaurant, a visitor center, swimming area, handicrafts for sale and an interpretive trail. Here visitors can enjoy the spectacular archaeological site of Bonampak through the jungle and very close by, just 40 minutes away, is the community of Frontera Corozal, a town from which boats leave on the Usumacinta River to visit the archaeological site of Yaxchilán.
Leaving from Palenque, you must first take federal highway 199 and then drive along the Frontera Sur highway, you will travel 132 km until you reach the San Javier junction and from this point, it is 8 km to the community of Lacanja Chansayab.
Lacanja Chansayab, Municipality of Ocosingo
Always open
967 631 7498
Call us at 800 280 3500
Feast of Santa María Candelaria
International Marimbista Festival