The largest evergreen jungle area in terms of extension and fauna diversity in Mexico is that of Montes Azules, it is located in the eastern mountains of Chiapas, also known as Selva Lacandona. Created in 1978 and with an area of 331,200 hectares, this reserve presents the richest landscapes in terms of flora and fauna. It has more than 300 species of trees that reach 35 meters in height and some unique species in terms of flora such as Lacandonia schismatica that, unlike the 300 thousand known species of flowers, presents the male sexual organ in the center surrounded by the female ones.
The fauna of this place is impressive, it presents the greatest abundance of species of terrestrial mammals per hectare in the entire Mexican territory, represented by the impressive and once divine jaguar, which heads the scale of felines throughout the continent; more than 300 species of birds cross the skies, sprinkling the greenery with flashes of red and blue, characteristic of scarlet macaws. 109 species can be found among reptiles and amphibians; In this list you cannot miss the invertebrates of which it can be said simply that there is one of the largest varieties on the planet.
Feria de la Primavera y de la Paz