Kakaw Museum & Cultural Chocolate Shop
San Cristóbal de Las Casas
1st Street. March No.16, Historic Center, San Cristóbal de las Casas.
In the magical world of Chiapas, there are still fragments of paradise such as Soconusco, Mezcalapa, Selva Lacandona, Montes Azules and regions to the north of the state, where biodiversity subsists with great passion. These natural areas are alive, and can be enjoyed also they give us the most delicious crops such as cocoa. Kakaw, is a latent museum located in a house of colonial architecture, full of history and tradition, where visitors come into intimate contact with the secrets that surround cocoa and the main derivative of this valuable fruit, chocolate. This through the gastronomic workshop "Bean to bar", in which the enormous legacy of cocoa and its evolution are learned, as well as the selection of the best cocoa beans, continuing with the roasting, grinding and incorporation of sugar, and finally the elaboration of a pleasant cocoa drink and a chocolate tablet created by the own hands of the lover of this ancient agricultural product.
"Bean to Bar" experience, participation in a dynamic way in the whole process that goes from the selection of seeds, roasting, grinding, incorporating sugar, to the elaboration of a cocoa drink and a chocolate tablet created by the own hands of the visitor.
Museo del cacao, sale of chocolate products
Variable prices according to season and availability
967 631 7995 y 678 1121
info@ kakaw.org, kakawmcc@gmail.com
Hours of operation: Mon - Sat from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm
Hours of activity: By appointment.
Transportation: Private car, Collective Transport, easy access.
Feast of Santa María Candelaria
International Marimbista Festival