Colonial art and historical monuments

Colonial art and historical monuments

Temple of San Agustín

Teopisca, Chiapas

An example of the churches known as Indian towns because of their rectangular plan, austere façade with a bell gable and covered with wood and tile. Possibly from the 17th century. It has one of the best golden baroque altarpieces in Chiapas, from the Jesuit temple of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

Temple of Santa Lucia

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

One of the best examples of the neoclassical architecture of San Cristóbal, the work of Carlos Z. Flores. Photo gallery.   Photo gallery

Temple of Charity

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Built in the 18th century, it has one of the best baroque altarpieces in the state dedicated to the virgin known as general for his alleged intervention in the indigenous rebellion of 1712. Photo gallery

Temple del Carmen

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

From the 17th century, it was the only female convent in San Cristóbal. It stands out for its L-shaped plan, its Central American Baroque style facades and, above all, for its bell tower in the shape of an arch in the Mudejar style, unique in the country and emblem of the city. The neighboring house of culture was part of the convent's premises. Location

Old Municipal Palace

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Building from the XIX century built by the architect Carlos Z. Flores. The original intention was to make a building that would cover an entire block to keep the seat of the state government, however, only a quarter of the building was built when the City lost its capital status in 1892. It is the best example of the neoclassical style in the Catalog of Vignola, which can be seen in its set of round arches. The building has 2

Temple of San Nicolás

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Attached to the Cathedral, it is a notable example of Chiapas colonial architecture for its facade, plant and roof. It has a baroque altarpiece. At some point it was the temple of the black population of San Cristóbal.   Photo gallery

Old Church of the Company or San Agustín

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Founded between 1680 and 1767, by the Jesuits, who later became dependent on the cathedral. At present there is nothing left of the school, in its place is the Faculty of Law, inside there are murals signed by Carlos Jurado. The church was modified inside, to serve as an auditorium. Its unique main façade highlights the use of mortar plates on the bodies of what were the towers. At the top you can still see remains of what appear to

Daniel Zebadúa Theater

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Founded in 1931, the Zebadúa theater and listed as a historical monument, is owned by the H. Ayuntamiento de San Cristóbal de las Casas; It is a neoclassical gem nestled in the heart of the historic center of San Cristóbal. It has a capacity for 600 people, and due to its central location it is the perfect complement to Casa Diego de Mazariegos, for holding plenary sessions. This theater has the services of administrative offices, lobby and sound equipment.   Photo

Temple of Carmen

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

It was built in 1677 with the purest Mudejar style in Colonial times, it belonged to the Convent of the Incarnation. This building formerly served as a gateway to the Royal City, and today it has been adopted as a symbol of its identity. This construction, unique in Mexico, is considered part of the Mudejar Chiapaneco samples for its square plan of massive proportions, its ornamental applications in mortar and the octagonal wooden vault with an eight-pointed star, which recalls the